Installation & Usage

List of changes:

Link to the latest release

Installation and Usage

Download the latest release: Release at GitHub


Install the package for your smartphone (.apk for Android) onto your phone - search the web on how you can do that, this depends on your phone


I can’t generate an iPhone package myself, so you have to build the project IOS for yourself and provision the app to your phone. Microsoft has a how-to here

NuGet Package

Download an install the LunaZodiaco Nuget package using your IDE (Visual Studio or JetBrains Rider) or one of the command-line possibilities: LunaZodiaco Package at NuGet

In an interactive F# FSI session, you can use the command #r “nuget: LunaZodiaco” to download and use the NuGet package LunaZodiaco.

Usage of the Smartphone App

See YouTube video of the smartphone app for a video.

Smartphone app screenshot 1
Smartphone app screenshot 2
Smartphone app screenshot 3
Smartphone app screenshot 4
Smartphone app screenshot 6
Smartphone app screenshot 7
Smartphone app screenshot 5
Smartphone app screenshot 8